Australian Government - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Australian Alumni Grants 2025

This is a preview of the Australian Alumni Grant 2025 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Grants Overview

* indicates a required field.

Australian Alumni Grants (AAG) foster Australia's active scholars and alumni community in Indonesia and support ongoing professional development for scholars and Australian alumni. Grants are provided for discrete activities that support scholars and alumni to:

  • Strengthen their connections with Australia
  • Apply new knowledge and skills within their organisations and professions
  • Strengthen and leverage their networks
  • Take up leadership opportunities and empower others to lead
  • Collaborate with one another

Grants are for discrete activities that will have an immediate impact on specific outcomes. Grant-funded activities should have a clearly identified activity completion milestone.

Grant-funded activities should be undertaken within three months of the awarding of the grant with a clearly identified activity completion milestone.

The grant selection committee will give preference to grant proposals in the range of AUD 3,000-10,000. Funds for successful applicants will be provided as reimbursement for expenses paid by the grantee, or as payments directly to service providers. Advances will be considered but are less preferred.

Eligible activities include:

  • Indonesia-Australia knowledge exchange activities or events, such as residencies, cultural festivals, trade shows or other collaborations that foster bilateral exchange.
  • Workshops, conferences, seminars and professional networking events.
  • Capacity building, mentoring or coaching.
  • Academic research and research-related activities.
  • Public awareness campaigns.
  • Organisational or institutional strengthening.
  • Community development activities.
  • Activities that form part of an AAI short course award projects.

Please refer to the Grant’s Guidelines for more detailed information on eligible and ineligible activities.

The Australian Alumni Grants Assessment Committee will undertake merit-based assessment of eligible applications. The assessment will consider the merit of the proposed grant funded activities using the following criteria:

  1. Alignment with Grants eligible activities listed above.
  2. Potential for the grant activity to reconnect the grantee/s with Australia.
  3. Potential for the grant activity to contribute to the grantee/s’ professional development.
  4. Alignment of the proposed activity with priority themes or initiatives that contribute to the Indonesia-Australia bilateral relationship.
  5. Simplicity: proposals should involve a minimal number of payments or transactions.
  6. Risk: proposed activities must not create unmanageable risks for the grantee, AAI, Australian Government or the government of Indonesia.
  7. Leveraging: evidence of third-party financial contributions is not essential but will be considered favourably.

Applicants will be invited to submit applications using this online application form. Applicants with disability are encouraged to inform AAI should assistance is required to fill out the online application.

Applications should address all the key questions written in the application form. Applications may be deemed ineligible if they are incomplete or do not address the selection criteria.

For queries, please contact us by email and please use the subject line: “Queries - Grant and Prize and quote your application number".

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Otorisasi, Persetujuan, Deklarasi, dan Pengakuan (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to questions:

  • "Read Privacy Policy in" on page 1
  • "Read Privacy Policy in" on page 1

Formulir Persetujuan

Dengan mengirimkan formulir ini (SUBMIT), saya setuju dan memberi wewenang kepada Pemerintah Australia, atau kontraktor pengelola yang ditunjuk untuk Australia Awards di Indonesia (Tetra Tech International Development), untuk mengakses dan/atau memperoleh data pribadi yang tercantum dalam Formulir Dana Hibah Alumni Australia atau Dana Hibah Allison Sudradjat atau Dana Hibah Hadi Soesastro untuk tujuan, durasi, dan pihak yang tercantum di bawah ini.

  1. Untuk digunakan dalam proses seleksi Dana Hibah Alumni Australia atau Dana Hibah Allison Sudradjat atau Dana Hibah Hadi Soesastro.
  2. Untuk memantau kinerja saya sebagai penerima Dana Hibah Alumni Australia atau Dana Hibah Allison Sudradjat atau Dana Hibah Hadi Soesastro.
  3. Untuk memberikan informasi kepada pejabat Australia dan Indonesia yang relevan.
  4. Untuk mengirimkan saya informasi tentang Alumni Update (berita terkini, kegiatan, peluang terkait pendidikan dan berjejaring).
  5. Untuk mengidentifikasi peluang kegiatan yang relevan dan memberikan manfaat bagi saya sebagai Alumni Australia.

Durasi Penyimpanan Pemrosesan Data

Menyetujui dan mengizinkan data dikumpulkan dan diproses selama periode status saya sebagai Penerima Dana Hibah dan menjadi Alumni lembaga pendidikan tinggi Australia, untuk mencapai tujuan yang dijelaskan di atas.

Berbagi Data

Mengungkapkan data yang dikumpulkan dalam formulir ini kepada Pemerintah Australia dan Pemerintah Indonesia, jika pihak tersebut terlibat dalam proses penyelenggaraan berbagai kegiatan dan layanan untuk Alumni Australia.


Saya memahami dan mengonfirmasi bahwa:

  • Isi dari data aplikasi saya adalah benar dan sesuai.
  • Pemerintah Australia memiliki hak untuk mengubah atau membatalkan keputusan terkait Dana Hibah Alumni Australia atau Dana Hibah Allison Sudradjat atau Dana Hibah Hadi Soesastro yang dibuat berdasarkan informasi yang salah atau tidak lengkap.
  • Keputusan dari panel seleksi bersifat final dan rahasia, dan tidak akan ada korespondensi mengenai hasil proses seleksi.


Saya setuju bahwa saya akan:

  1. Segera memberikan rincian kepada Pemerintah Australia mengenai insiden apa pun yang dapat mencoreng reputasi Australia Awards.
  2. Bertindak dengan cara yang sesuai sebagai penerima Dana Hibah Alumni Australia atau Dana Hibah Allison Sudradjat atau Dana Hibah Hadi Soesastro.
  3. Menggunakan dana hanya untuk tujuan yang diberikan.
  4. Mengakui bantuan yang diberikan oleh pemerintah Australia dalam laporan tertulis, publikasi, ataumateri komunikasi lainnya yang terkait dengan Dana Hibah Alumni Australia atau Dana Hibah Allison Sudradjat atau Dana Hibah Hadi Soesastro.


Saya menyatakan bahwa: 

  1. Informasi yang tercantum dalam formulir pendaftaran dan yang terlampir pada berkas pendaftaran Dana Hibah Alumni Australia atau Dana Hibah Allison Sudradjat atau Dana Hibah Hadi Soesastro saya adalah benar dan akurat.
  2. Memberikan informasi yang salah atau menyesatkan adalah pelanggaran serius berdasarkan Criminal Code Act 1995 dari Persemakmuran Australia.
  3. Memberikan otorisasi dan persetujuan kepada pemerintah Australia dan kontraktor pengelolanya untuk mengumpulkan, mengelola, dan menggunakan informasi pribadi saya sebagaimana yang tercantum dalam formulir ini.

Authorisation, Consent, Declaration, and Acknowledgment (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to questions:

  • "Read Privacy Policy in" on page 1
  • "Read Privacy Policy in" on page 1

Consent Form

By submitting this form (SUBMIT), I agree and authorise the Australian Government, or the appointed managing contractor for Australia Awards in Indonesia (Tetra Tech International Development), to access and/or obtain the personal data listed in the Australian Alumni Grant Application Form or the Allison Sudradjat Grant or the Hadi Soesastro Grant for the purposes, duration, and parties listed below.


  • To be used in the selection process for the Australian Alumni Grant or the Allison Sudradjat Grant or the Hadi Soesastro Grant.
  • To monitor my performance as a recipient of the Australian Alumni Grant or the Allison Sudradjat Grant or the Hadi Soesastro Grant.
  • To provide information to relevant Australian and Indonesian officials.
  • To send me information about Alumni Updates (latest news, activities, opportunities related to education and networking).
  • To identify relevant activity opportunities and provide benefits to me as an Australian Alumni.

Data Processing Duration

I agree and authorise the data to be collected and processed during my status as a Grant Recipient and as an Alumni of an Australian higher education institution, to achieve the purposes described above.

Data Sharing

I agree to disclose the data collected in this form to the Australian Government and the Indonesian Government, if these parties are involved in the process of organizing various activities and services for Australian Alumni.


I understand and confirm that:

  • The content of my application data is true and accurate.
  • Australian Government has the right to amend or cancel decisions related to the Australian Alumni Grant or the Allison Sudradjat Grant or the Hadi Soesastro Grant made based on incorrect or incomplete information.
  • The decision of the selection panel is final and confidential, and there will be no correspondence regarding the outcome of the selection process.


I agree that I will:

  • Immediately provide details to Australian Government regarding any incidents that may tarnish the reputation of the Australia Awards.
  • Act appropriately as a recipient of the Australian Alumni Grant or the Allison Sudradjat Grant or the Hadi Soesastro Grant.
  • Use the funds only for the purposes granted.
  • Acknowledge the assistance provided by the Australian Government in written reports, publications, or other communication materials related to the Australian Alumni Grant or the Allison Sudradjat Grant or the Hadi Soesastro Grant.


I declare that:

  • The information listed in the registration form and attached to my Australian Alumni Grant or the Allison Sudradjat Grant or the Hadi Soesastro Grant application file is true and accurate.
  • Providing false or misleading information is a serious offense under the Criminal Code Act 1995 of the Commonwealth of Australia.
  • I authorise and consent to Australian Government and its managing contractor to collect, manage, and use my personal information as stated in this form.

If you need any further assistance or have more text to translate, feel free to let me know!

  * Required
Response required.